30 Boxes API is Out

30 Boxes API A few weeks back I blogged about 30 Boxes a new ajaxy sort of calendar thing. I’ve used it to replace My Yahoo! calendar and have been pretty happy with it. I especially like the idea of levels and layers of privacy and having the ability to use one calendar that will work from my most personal self use, to my family and friends use, to a broader more public calendar of events that I plan on attending through upcoming.org or other places.

The calendar integrates all three aspects well and it’s great seeing things that my friends are planning on going to on my calendar. The calendar is still in beta and so minor bugs still need to be flushed out but overall it’s very useable today.

Central to the concept of 30 Boxes, however, is the possibility that others will make it even better. Yesterday 30 Boxes released their API for third party development. If you are a developer and want to write more functionality into the software you can check out the 30 Boxes API site here.

One Reply to “”

  1. you would think something that you are “pretty happy with” wouldn’t be described in your digg story as BEST…CALENDAR…EVER!

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