Mark Cuban on HDTV

Micro Persuasion: A Conversation with Mark Cuban:

Steve Rubel has an interesting interview with Mark Cuban. Here’s Cuban on HDTV.

“I’m obviously an HD bigot because of HDnet and HDnet movies. That said, does anyone really think that highdef is not going to happen? That 30mm people will buy HDTVs in 2007 and be happy to get ads in standard definition, or will they expect HD? That all those LCDs hanging on walls will be connected to computers anytime soon or show Internet video? They won’t.

I think the living room is becoming the focus of family entertainment again. People are gathering around their brand new 40′ plasma or LCD to watch shows and sports and movies in HD. Its an opportunity to get an advantage most advertisers are missing.”

And then we have Dave Winer on HDTV. “I’ve now had HD for about a month now, and it’s a life-changer. I know it sounds weird, but you look at the world differently.”

And Michael Gartenberg on HDTV. “(w)atch the HD sets fly off the shelf over the holidays. The tipping point for HD is here and there’s no going back.”

The internet is all a buzz today about Microsoft’s announcement that they will begin offering HDTV TV and movies via the XBox 360. The PVR piece will fall into place in January when Microsoft pitches you to upgrade your PC and why not buy a HDTV CableCARD tuner that can stream HDTV PVR content to that XBox 360 in your living room.